Nous utilisons des cookies pour améliorer l'expérience client et l'utilisation de notre site. En continuant à surfer sur, vous acceptez l’utilisation de ces cookies.

Les informations ci-dessous sont utilisées,

The date and time the cookie was created.
The ID of the selected language.
The ID of the selected currency.
The ID of the last visited category of product listings.
Whether the cart block is "expanded" or "collapsed".
The IDs of recently viewed products as a comma-separated list.
The ID of the current wishlist displayed in the wishlist block.
Whether the "Terms of service" checkbox has been ticked (1 if it has and 0 if it hasn't)
The guest ID of the visitor when not logged in.
The connection ID of the visitor's current session.
The customer ID of the visitor when logged in.
The last name of the customer.
The first name of the customer.
Whether the customer is logged in.
The MD5 hash of the _COOKIE_KEY_ and the password the customer used to log in.
The email address that the customer used to log in.
The ID of the current cart displayed in the cart block.
The Blowfish checksum used to determine whether the cookie has been modified by a third party.
The customer will be logged out and the cookie deleted if the checksum doesn't match.

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